On 4/4/2024 15:29, Peter West wrote:
I’ve installed 2.9.3. As with 2.9.2, port selfupdate did not update the port install. Is this something you’re aware of?

It always takes a little time for releases to propagate to the rsync mirrors. 2.9.2 took longer than usual because of some downtime for the master server. 2.9.3 is on the mirrors now.

I’ve been installing these to try to fix the “missing m4” problem, but neither seemed to fix it. Should I add a comment to one of the number of issues in trac concerning this?

In any case, I’m downgrading to Xcode 15.1.

We don't ship m4 with MacPorts base, so a new base release won't do anything for missing m4 issues. Ultimately Apple needs to release a new command line tools version that includes m4 again, and in the meantime each port that uses m4 needs to either run it by the name 'gm4' instead (since Apple still included that), or declare a dependency on the m4 port. If you notice a port is affected and there is no ticket open for it, please open one.

- Josh

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