On Apr 18, 2024, at 5:19 PM, Eric Gallager via macports-users 
<macports-users@lists.macports.org> wrote:
> This presents a number of questions for what will happen in MacPorts?

It's easy to think of MacPorts as some monolithic organization, but the reality 
is the answers to your questions are mostly "these things will happen if there 
is a maintainer who is willing to volunteer to make it happen, and won't if 
there isn't"

> - Will MacPorts continue to maintain a redis port?
> - Will MacPorts add ports for valkey and/or redict?
> - If so, will the 3 conflict, or will they all be installable separately?
> - For ports that currently depend on redis, will they continue to
> require redis specifically, or will it be possible to use valkey
> and/or redict to satisfy their dependencies instead?
> - Do any new licenses need to be added to MacPorts' list of recognized
> licenses in response to this change? And does
> port_binary_distributable.tcl work properly with the new license(s)?

There are special pseudo-licenses available for maintainers to select if the 
specific license isn't understood by MacPorts itself (so you can effectively 
tell MacPorts which decision it should make for distributing built software 
based on the license even if it has some license that no one has ever heard of 
or thought of before).

Daniel J. Luke

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