On 24.04.24 18:33, Baerenblau via macports-users wrote:
I'm on macOS 14.4.1 (23E224) and continue to experience a long standing problem with bash from Macports

% which bash

% bash --version
GNU bash, Version 5.2.26(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin23.2.0)

For every command which is not found a error similar error like this is printed:

$ asdf
objc[1321]: +[__SwiftNativeNSStringBase initialize] may have been in progress in another thread when fork() was called. objc[1321]: +[__SwiftNativeNSStringBase initialize] may have been in progress in another thread when fork() was called. We cannot safely call it or ignore it in the fork() child process. Crashing instead. Set a breakpoint on objc_initializeAfterForkError to debug.
Abort trap: 6

Xcode has been installed today. Then MacPorts has been updated to the latest version, machine is rebooted, issue continues to exist.

This is indeed a very long standing issue:

It appears that this crash is actually caused by gettext, when localizing the error message in the child process forked by bash.


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