On Aug 5, 2009, at 12:57 PM, Laurent Sansonetti wrote:
On Aug 5, 2009, at 8:41 AM, Eloy Duran wrote:


On Aug 5, 2009, at 5:31 PM, Clay Bridges wrote:
The google didn't yield much guidance on this. Before I started a
deep-dive on the MacRuby source, and/or the standard ruby way to
handle this sort of thing, I thought I would ask a couple of

1) Any easy advice?

Yes, use RubyCocoa

2) Is this different in MacRuby than in ruby proper?

RubyCocoa at least allows you to use BridgeSupport which would allow you to map these. Afaik MacRuby doesn't fully support it yet.

3) Any pointers into the MacRuby source that might help me?

BridgeSupport needs to fully implemented.

FYI, BridgeSupport is mostly implemented in MacRuby, at least the part that deals with C structures. The only part that we didn't implement yet is C function pointers, the rest (roughly 90%) is done, and it is faster / more stable than the RubyCocoa code (you will have to believe me, since I wrote both :-)).

What Clay needs to do is describe his C structures in a .bridgesupport file.

You can read the BridgeSupport(5) man-page for more information. Unfortunately the gen_bridge_metadata(1) cannot generate C structures metadata without a template, and this part is not yet documented. So it may be faster to craft the .bridgesupport file by hand. There are plenty of .bridgesupport files in /System/Library/ Frameworks that can be used as an example.

Once the file is created, it can loaded from MacRuby using:

 load_bridge_support_file 'foo.bridgesupport'

Here is an example on how to do this automatically.

First, I created a header file with your code.

$ cat t.h
struct MapPoint {
 int row;
 int col;
typedef struct MapPoint MapPoint;

Now, I generate an exceptions template file based on your header file.

$ gen_bridge_metadata -F exceptions-template -c '-I.' t.h > exception.xml

The exceptions template file contains the name of your struct. The generator uses an exception because we don't want to expose all C structures by default, so it gives the developer a choice. Here we leave it empty, which means MapPoint will be exposed.

$ cat exception.xml
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE signatures SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/BridgeSupport.dtd ">
<signatures version='0.9'>
<struct name='MapPoint'/>

Now, we generate the real .bridgesupport file, passing the exceptions file.

$ gen_bridge_metadata -e ./exception.xml -c '-I.' t.h > mappoint.bridgesupport

As you can see, it contains a signature for MapPoint.

$ cat mappoint.bridgesupport
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE signatures SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/BridgeSupport.dtd ">
<signatures version='0.9'>
<struct name='MapPoint' type='{MapPoint=&quot;row&quot;i&quot;col&quot;i}'/>

And now, you can load it from MacRuby and use it as if it was a real Ruby class. Actually it's a real Ruby class :-)

$ macruby -e "load_bridge_support_file('mappoint.bridgesupport'); p MapPoint.new(1, 2)"
#<MapPoint row=1 col=2>

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