Hi Conrad,

I don't think anyone reproduced that problem so far. This is interesting. First, did you try building a fresh copy of trunk? (doing a rake clean).

If yes, it would be nice to debug this. Could you do the following in a terminal:

$ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=. gdb --args ./macruby -I./lib mspec/bin/mspec-ci - B spec/macruby.mspec :full
[... inside gdb]
(gdb) b auto_zone_resurrection_error
(gdb) r
[... macruby will run and yield once it hits the breakpoint...]
(gdb) thread all apply bt

Copy/paste the output of the last command to us :)

Thanks in advance,

On Aug 18, 2009, at 3:42 AM, Conrad Taylor wrote:

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 2:43 AM, Conrad Taylor <conra...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, I'm seeing the following issue with r2344:

Begin Message:

$ rake spec:ci
(in /Users/conradwt/macruby.dir/projects/macruby-trunk)
./mspec/bin/mspec ci -B ./spec/macruby.mspec  :full
MacRuby version 0.5 (ruby 1.9.0) [universal-darwin10.0, x86_64]
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................macruby (6809,0x7fff70ccbbe0) malloc: resurrection error for object 0x2010d1920 while assigning {conservative-block}[32](0x20101e260)[0] = Bignum[64](0x2010d1920) garbage pointer stored into reachable memory, break on auto_zone_resurrection_error to debug macruby(6809,0x109c81000) malloc: garbage block 0x2010d1920(Bignum [64]) was over-retained during finalization, refcount = 1 This could be an unbalanced CFRetain(), or CFRetain() balanced with - release.
Break on auto_zone_resurrection_error() to debug.
macruby(6809,0x109c81000) malloc: fatal resurrection error for garbage block 0x2010d1920(Bignum[64]): over-retained during finalization, refcount = 1rake aborted! Command failed with status (132): [./mspec/bin/mspec ci -B ./spec/ macruby.msp...]

End Message:

Also, here are some additional details:

$ sw_vers
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.6
BuildVersion:   10A432


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