On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 15:30, Tim Samoff <t...@samoff.com> wrote:
>  > Do you reckon it's feasible to have an emblem (say the jigsaw piece)
>  > which can be overlaid on any icon to represent it? It looks pretty
>  > legible on the 48x48 icon IMHO.
> Sure, but then we'd have to require all devs to actually _do_ this
> (i.e., make an icon and overlay the puzzle piece, etc.). Or, could this
> be done dynamically?

Well, I'd *imagined* it being "developer wants to push a really
polished CLI app, with its own icon and branding (e.g. SSH,
ImageMagick, vim [if it didn't have a launcher]) but needs to comply
with this standard". So, we'd have two variants:

  * Complete icon which can be dumped in XB-Maemo-Icon-26 (48x48),
    we'd even publish the bit to copy to debian/control directly to
    save the packager fighting with uuencoder.

  * Emblem which can be overlaid at a defined position in the icon
    so that the user can see it's a CLI app, but the developer still
    gets to have some branding on the package.

>  > We could even extend it to "#_" for ones (such as nmap) which require
>  > root? (and a stronger yellow to indicate its increased danger)
> Just more icons... I don't think we could change that detai dynamically!

Oh, absolutely - I was suggesting having materials and collateral
available to a developer to make it easy; not have Packages do it

> I'll update the icons and reupload...sometime. More comments before I
> get back into are good too.

Indeed. These are just my thoughts - I trust you as a designer to tell
me when I'm talking crap :)



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