
HimKimmo Hämäläinen wrote:

> Doesn't Glib has this kind of functionality already?

you can have recurring events with glib, yes... but that involves that you have
the application running all the time. In combination with the fact that you
can't have custom software packages starting up some deamon on boot this feature
doesn't cover all the needs. In addition to this i think it would be much more
convenient if you just set a time of an event instead of an interval, but thats
my personal opinion.

> I think the system/HW takes care of wakeups automatically.

That would make this part pretty easy :-)

> Instead of atd, we will use cron. So, we don't have an extra daemon in
> the system. Alarms > 5min or something should use cron and faster alarms
> implemented in the application (or in a library).

Will there be some defined API to use this? From the application developers
point of view you don't want to care about which mechanism the system uses, you
just want to make it right and working. If you want to see the correct solution
accepted by the developers its absolutely necessary to provide a useful API.

Do we have any experience on how cron influences power consumption? From what i
see on my 770 we don't have it running in the current software image.

> Nooooo! :) Isn't Glib+cron enough?

It depends on two questions:
- Does it work?
- How do you expose this to the application developers?

Well... i know that i'm complicated :-)



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