Winston Wu wrote:
I'm new to the whole Maemo/Scratchbox/N770 thing. 
I have set up the Maemo 2.0 following this tutorial:
My goal is to write a bluetooth application in C inside Maemo/Scratchbox and send the binaries over to the N770.  So I followed exactly what's on the tutorial.
After the installation, I wrote a little helloworld.c with a printf statement.  The binary runs in the emulation fine.  But when I scp and run the binary in my N770, it doesn't.  This is the error it generated.         
-sh: ./hello: not found
So I checked the binary version by:
#file hello
and this is the output.
hello: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.17, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
I also have a standard ARM tool chain outside of the scratchbox.  I compiled the same helloworld using that tool chain and ran the binary on the N770.  The binary ran.  So I'm convinced my N770 is working.  When I do this:
#file hello2
hello2: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (ARM), for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
I am suspecting that my N770 may be running the old 2005 OS and the Maemo is based on the new 2006 OS.
Hi, you can easily check the version of OS you're running on your tablet. Using menu go to the 'Control panel', then choose 'Device' section and inside the new opened window change to the tab 'About product'. Here you are!
For instance, on my tablet I have there:

Nokia 770 Internet Tablet
Internet Tablet OS 2006 edition (that is the final OS 2006 release)
Version: 1.2006.26-8
WLAN MAC address ...
Bluetooth address ...

So if you still have OS 2005 then binaries compiled with maemo 2.0 would definitely not work on the tablet.


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