> >> I would love to see support for OpenEmbedded.
> > 
> > What would need to be changed on the maemo side to support
> > OpenEmbedded?  Aren't you rather asking for maemo support in
> > OpenEmbedded?
> You are right, maybe this is the proper viewpoint.
> For maemo 3.2, I could not get a matching toolchain build in
> OpenEmbedded. I don't tried it with the new glibc, yet, but I assume,
> such a task would be best addressed by the people who know the
> toolchain, best.

You should be able to provide your own toolchain (e.g. the Code Sorcery one) and
simply state in the local.conf (take a look at the way the Zaurus 2.95.x
cross-toolchain was provided so 5500 kernels could be built) that the toolchain
is already provided.

I think that the group developing Mamona are effectively using a 'native'
OpenEmbedded setup within Scratchbox. I don't know how far along they are or
whether this is a better approach than cross-compiling with OpenEmbedded as I'm
not really up to speed with OE any more.


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