Hello Darius, 

> Council is not the best solution, as council still has no 
> rights but obligations.

What rights does the council need if it is elected by the community? It has
"the power of the people".

> One thing should be discussed and disclosed yet,
> what is a role of Nokia in maemo.org
> to avoid legal issues and problems in the future.
> Linux developers should be fully aware in advance if they 
> work and devote their time
> for Nokia Corporation, for  maemo.org  not-incorporated, 
> maemo.org  - organization , incorporation pending or just 
> work for fun, for free, for the community.

Well this is to be a community project. The copyright of the maemo.org name
will be held by Nokia so they have a final veto (they also pay for and
maintain the site), but my understanding is that they would like the
community to run/organise/develop the site for the community. Therefore any
developers (web developers I guess you mean) will be working for fun, for
their community. 

I should add that there are a few people (Dave Neary - docs, Niels Breet -
website and to a lesser extent Andre Klapper and Karsten Braeckelmann -
bugtrackers) who are paid by Nokia to work on/for maemo.org part-time. I
imagine that that they will be doing what the community wants them to do. I
don't see this being a problem.

> Working for Nokia Corporation on corporate products is really 
> great think.
> But please aware, any software code is still copyrighted to 
> its author not Nokia
> and today and forever.
> So you at Nokia need to establish legal relations between 
> copyright holders and the Nokia Corporation.

Presumably the copyright of the website & contents will be under a Gnu Free
Documentation Licence (a la Wikipedia) or a Creative Commons Licence. What's
the current licensing model (http://maemo.org/legal/terms_of_use.html). This
is presumably something that could be discussed if people have a preference
one way or the other.

> Another way is to discuss such contractual relations between 
> Linux developers and corporations having global status and 
> set terms, have lawyers from Free Software Foundation and 
> other organizations to represent developers in relations with 
> corporations
> to facilitate  intellectual property rights transfer
> under US, EU IT rights protections acts, rules, regulations.

There are no contracts. This is community for community. If someone decides
they can no longer take part (in the council for example), they will need to
be replaced. How this would happen is something that has to be worked out
(by this discussion for example).

> But please don't advice Nokia to incorporate third party 
> copyrighted Linux code into one of its product without such 
> writtenm contract or agreement on transfer of intellectual 
> property rights.

We're talking about a website and community infrastructure here, not a
released software product.

> And you at Nokia and from Nokia,
> please follow an example by Apple, having developed iPhone, iPod Touch
> and new 3G GPS iPhone
> please look at repositories of community made software, look 
> at SDK policy.

If there's a real problem here (what's wrong with the SDK policy - email me
in a separate thread please), then this is the sort of thing the maemo.org
council should be addressing when it has its meetings with Quim.

> Global Corporation like Nokia can't risk investing into 
> community projects, products, developed for free by 
> developers volunterring their work for the community.

It already has....

> Nokia should incorporate Maemo.org as a business entity, corporation
> and nominate directors, board, officers
> and have job done under supervision and management provided by Nokia.

The whole point of this is to allow the community to exist and grow without
being controlled by Nokia, but rather to be a partner in the direction of
that growth. I think your opinions, while interesting, are at odds with
those of the majority.


Simon (aka lardman)

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