On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 2:06 PM, Simon Pickering
>> The change which has allowed it to encode an entire song rather than just
> a
>> few seconds was to move the input and output buffers from SDRAM (OMAP main
>> memory) to SRAM (DSP fast single access memory). There are probably other
>> things which would benefit from being moved, the sbc->priv data (or parts
>> thereof) for one. This structure is pretty big so I allocated it in SDRAM,
>> but at least parts of it might be better off in faster local memory. This
> is
>> something to look at.
> I looked at this yesterday evening (thanks to derf, crashanddie, and others
> for answering my C questions), trying to move some parts of the priv
> structure to SARAM (sorry for the SRAM typo above). Unfortunately just
> moving the bare minimum (the X array) won't happen as there's not enough
> SARAM (so dsp_dld tells me). I don't know where it's all gone, anyone have
> any ideas?

Do you use any buffers allocated by malloc? My guess is that malloc
does allocation of DARAM and SARAM memory.
In any case, memory returned by malloc should be not worse than the
memory buffer explicitly statically placed to EXTMEM.
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