> I am really surprised, there is a small group of maemo developers
> showing interest not to discuss maemo multitouch and showing 
> interest to have maemo no-multitouch in next years.

I think Igor was fairly explicit in what he said, capacitive multi-touch was
not very precise, therefore a resistive screen was chosen. This is fine by
me as I do want to have very find control over where I click with my stylus.
Someone else mentioned possible patent infringements, I don't know how much
of a factor this is.

I'm not sure anything we say will affect this, though putting together good
business cases to say how multi-touch will be beneficial (and being explicit
about how) would probably be a good start (in the same way that we have been
justifying why the PowerVR driver should be released, etc., on the wiki).

> Quite contrary to iPhone developers , doing their best to 
> make iPhone No.1 gizmo.

Not through their discussion of multi-touch mind you :)

> Multitouch is hot and market added value.
> You can try to stop multitouch development but please offer 
> something better.

No-one is stopping you, in fact if you can get the non-multitouch resistive
screen to produce useful "multitouch-like" behaviour, which is what Gary
(lcuk) has been looking at, I'm sure we'll all be very pleased.



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