
We are currently trying to build a GUI application on Maemo, and after 
listening to suggestions from a few Maemo developers we started 
prototyping it with Python and Qt.

Python and Qt seems easy since the UI code designed from Qt designer can 
be converted into python automatically. But soon we came to realize that 
only the UI code (in xml) is converted, any functions, methods or code 
written in C++ for the original Qt application has to be manually 
translated into Python. Seems reasonable but now we aren't so sure if 
this is the best approach anymore...

The application we are building isn't too complicated (but will have 
quite some number of screens/forms), and will contain SOAP web service 
calls, and some file writing/reading. We've got the web service call 
working using ZSI, so all that is left to decide is the UI framework to 
be used. Qt seems to be a better choice initially since it comes with a 
designer IDE that allows us to design the GUI more easily.

Before we move on to spend more time using Python and Qt to develop our 
program, we'd like to hear some comments from you developers : )

Jey Han
maemo-developers mailing list

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