2009/9/30 Marius Vollmer <marius.voll...@nokia.com>:
> "Hamalainen Kimmo (Nokia-D/Helsinki)" <kimmo.hamalai...@nokia.com>
> writes:
>> On Tue, 2009-09-29 at 16:44 +0200, Vollmer Marius (Nokia-D/Helsinki)
>> wrote:
>>> "Hamalainen Kimmo (Nokia-D/Helsinki)" <kimmo.hamalai...@nokia.com>
>>> writes:
>>> > What prevents the community from releasing this "unstable" libhildon
>>> > before Nokia does the "stable" release?
>>> The unstable release would not be of much use since people can not
>>> easily install it on their devices.
>> I don't understand, wouldn't the forked/new widget library also have
>> this same problem?
> No, since it would have a different name.
> Anyway, I realize I have been too negative about all this.  With some
> care, 'forking' libhildon and distributing it via Maemo Extras should be
> perfectly doable.
> 'Forking' means using a different package name for everything (source,
> binary, -dev, etc), and I put it in quotes since it would be done by the
> original libhildon maintainers.

Why don't we simply create a new library and be done with it? That
library can be published to Extras through the usual means, and apps
that depend on it will automatically install it when needed.

This thread has gone for two days back and forth with no real progress
in terms of UI mock-ups and code :/

Here's my proposed 10-step-guide to achieving our goal:

  1. Pick a name ("hildon-extras" or "hexy"; suggested by Cornelius)
  2. Register a project at garage.maemo.org
  3. Set up the initial project structure
  4. Implement the color chooser as discussed
  5. Publish the library to Extras-Devel
  6. Use the library in GPE, Conboy, etc..
  7. Publish new versions of GPE, Conboy, etc.. to Extras-Devel
  8. Do the promotion / testing stuff until everything is in Extras
  9. Be happy to have a shared library in Extras :)
 10. There is no step 10

I'll be happy to jump in at step 4 :p

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