> The code is here:
> https://garage.maemo.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/branches/simon_wip/maemo-barcode/?root=maemo-barcode
> binaries here: (you need to install libdmtx0, then just run the mbarcode
> binary after chmod'ing it):
> http://people.bath.ac.uk/enpsgp/nokia770/mbarcode/fremantle/
> I should add that the code should also run on Diablo, but the diablo dir
> on the above webpage is out of date so you'll need to compile it
> yourself (please let me know if it doesn't compile/run). I plan on
> supporting both Fremantle and Diablo devices, don't worry!

I've just uploaded a diablo binary to

vCard importing is disabled for the time being (as I've not looked at
the syntax for Diablo), and although the code opens the browser, it just
seems to open the start page for me.

In fact for both platforms, I should place the URL/text in a text box so
that people can select and copy it. Note to self! :)

Curiously the Diablo code doesn't seem to suffer from the lock-up after
opening the dialog to ask if I want to open a URL. Your theories/patches
for the Fremantle code are welcome, as are enhancements for the Diablo
code items that aren't working currently (URL opening, vCard adding,
etc.) and for anything else you see.




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