2009/12/2 Anderson Lizardo <anderson.liza...@openbossa.org>:
> 2009/12/2 Benoît HERVIER <kher...@khertan.net>:
>> What happen if i push something for testing like PyGTKEditor for example ...
>> but once this one has been push, a new version of a python binding used by
>> PyGTKEditor exist in the extras-devel, we cannot push it to extras-testing
>> manually  ? But as there isn't any new version of PyGTKEditor, i ll recreate
>> one package in extras-devel with a greater number just to push the python
>> binding.
>> What happen now if this binding is a important update ?
> That's what is happening at the moment with python-osso.
> The version in extras & extras-testing (0.4.0-0maemo1) has a bug where
> the "__init__.py" file is not generated (because it lacked the
> python-central dependency). The issue has been fixed in 0.4.0-0maemo2
> some time ago, but it does not go to extras-testing because there is
> no package depending _explicitely_ on that new version.
> So unless someone promotes a user/* package to extras-testing that has
> "Depends: python-osso (>= 0.4.0-0maemo2)" , python-osso will remain
> broken on extras & extras-testing.

Maybe a meta-package that depends on all new PyMaemo packages
would do the trick? AFAIK there is a "user/hidden" section that lets the
package appear in "upgrade" and "uninstall" views, but not in the normal
"install" view. So users won't see it in the normal application list, but
would have the option to remove or upgrade the package:


(I don't know if this commit has made it into a release version yet, though)

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