I just noticed that qt mobility does not include a phone api yet. Can
anybody point me into a different direction?

I want to be able to:

1. start a phone call with a number: the only way I found is using Dbus:

        dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply
--dest=com.nokia.csd.Call /com/nokia/csd/call
com.nokia.csd.Call.CreateWith string:"$NUMBER" uint32:0

        Is there a better/recommended way? On the maemo.org web site it
suggests that I should use telepathy but I      would imagine that would be
only if I want to bypass the "nokia" phone app.

2. start a voip call (skype to start with). Couldn't find how.. Any ideas?

3. send SMS, MMS, e-mail: Qt mobility seems to handle all this - isn't it
great? It maybe overkill and I will use Dbus for some because I don't
want/need to replace the "standard" forms to create email messages, ... 

Initially I am only concerned with maemo5 but I would like to make it as
generic/qt as possible. I mainly want to start the "standard" application
with the "target" info (e.g. call #x, skyp call #y, send e-mail to z, ...)
and the user will fill the rest...


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