Hi all,

I'd like to code a small Todo-list widget, which shows all due to-dos on
the desktop.
I started today, but I cannot access the to-dos because the CCalendar
instances don't return any entries.
I have 2 Calendars on my N900 and I get two calendar instances back,
which is fine. They return the correct names and attributes, but are
otherwise unresponsive. ;)
so, for instance the following code returns 0 as to-do count:


QString output; 
int count=0;
int error;

CMulticalendar* mcal = CMulticalendar::MCInstance();
vector<CCalendar*> cals = mcal->getListCalFromMc();
for(std::vector<CCalendar*>::iterator it = cals.begin(); it != cals.end(); 
// here, I get those 2 calendars correctly

// next line sums up to 0 all the time
count += (dynamic_cast<CCalendar*>(*it))->getTodos(error).size(); 

// next line shows the calendar names
cerr << (dynamic_cast<CCalendar*>(*it))->getCalendarName();

output= QString("Found %1 todos.").arg(count);
// count is 0 here, although I have like 20 todos in one calendar
return output;

Same behaviour shows on getEvents() and so on...

Since documentation is...ehm... not very complete: 
does anyone know what happens there?



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