Hi Thomas,

thanks for your reply!

"Connect automatically" is set to "Any connection" but I have also tried with "WLAN" and mobile internet.

What I have noted is that I can successfully initiate a connect-request via dbus:
dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply \
          --dest=com.nokia.icd2 \
          /com/nokia/icd2 \
          com.nokia.icd2.connect_req \

When setting the value of the last parameter to uint32:0 (ICD_CONNECTION_FLAG_APPLICATION_EVENT) _no_ connection is established.
According to my understanding, ICD_CONNECTION_FLAG_APPLICATION_EVENT would silently initiate a connection in the background.

When the sessionProperty "ConnectInBackground" is set to True, session.open() requests a connection with the ICD_CONNECTION_FLAG_APPLICATION_EVENT flag: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/blobs/4.7/src/plugins/bearer/icd/qnetworksession_impl.cpp
And that does not seem to work ...

Am I missing something?

To clarify my intention. I have an background application running that periodically checks for updates via the Internet. if a connection cannot be established, I do not want a modal user dialog to pop up. Connection errors should be ignored silently.


p.s. I have already filed a bug report: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-15924

On 12/07/2010 08:32 AM, Thomas Perl wrote:
Hi Dominik,

2010/12/6 Dominik Bartenstein<d...@wahuu.at>:
I try to open a QNetworkSession via session.open(). That works like a charm
but if the connection cannot be established a connection pop up appears by
Is the "ConnectInBackground" sessionProperty implemented/available for
Maemo5 PR1.3/N900?

Depending on what you want to achieve, you might be able to use the
"native" (platform-specific) APIs on Maemo 5 to request internet
connectivity. They work and are fully implemented:


It might also depend on the settings of your device. Go to Settings ->
Internet connections and check the "Connect automatically" setting. If
you want to be able to connect in the background, it has to be set to
something else than "Always ask". If it still does not work with
QNetworkSession after checking this, it might be worth reporting this
as a bug on http://bugs.maemo.org/, even if you end up using libconic
for requesting the connection, so it can be fixed for future uses :)



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