Hi Attila and all,

2011/1/27 Attila Csipa <ma...@csipa.in.rs>:
> On Thursday 27 January 2011 18:07:32 Andrew Flegg wrote:
>> Unless we take extraordinary (and almost certainly self-defeating)
>> actions like requiring KISStester to be installed to use any software
>> from Extras-(devel|testing).
> In fact, I would very specifically argue against such an approach. The
> experience from various appstores tells us that forced/induced feedback is
> basically rubbish. Without wishing to insult anyone, most of the feedback
> gathered that way goes the lines of 'ooh, shiny' vs 'sucks'. We need more
> focused feedback than that - and IMHO having people opt in instead of out is
> IMHO the only way to do it (I would rather have 0.1% of good feedback than 10%
> of noise).

Maybe we could make it easy to leave a numeric rating + let the user
pick one of a pre-defined set of labels (that's how it is done in
Little Big Planet - it's mandatory to give a numeric rating after
playing a community-created level, the "label" or tagging part can be
skipped). So for example, after using an application, you can rate it
from 1 star to 5 stars (which will be automatically synced with the
website, ideally) and you can also pick one label that describes the
application (i.e. "cool", "useful", "rubbish", "accelerometers",
"audio", "video", "crashing", "funny", "boring", "online", "contacts",
"productive", "needs work", ... - you can see a list of "labels" on
the LBP website: http://lbp.me/search?labels=) that doesn't really
categorize the application, but gives a different kind of feedback
without the useless short comments. Of course, this "rate after usage"
feature could be turned off by default or made easy to deactivate

Adding an application as a favourite (that might then be displayed on
the website profile or something) might also be a nice idea, and then
we could have things like customized per-user RSS feeds that will
contain news items for all their favourite applications, so the user
always knows how to stay up to date.

Long comments can then be entered on the website or some other
proactive mechanism where the user has to find the comment entry box.

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