Hi Max,

2011/2/16 Max Usachev <maxusac...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/2/16 Alberto Garcia <agar...@igalia.com>
>> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 11:01:04AM +0200, Max Usachev wrote:
>> > I want to use StackableWindow in my program like dialogs
>> That's not the way to do it in GTK: you have to show the new window
>> and connect to its 'destroyed' signal to do what you want to do after
>> the window is destroyed.
> Agree, that is a right way to. But what do you propose, if I have the
> following situation:
> There is some framework, there is a controller, I call controller method,
> for example - foo:
> def foo:
>     # some actions1
>     calling CustomDialog
>     # some actions2
> My code implementing CustomDialog. In desktop environment gtk.Dialog().run()
> blocks code execution, and when dialog destroys, 'some actions2' executed.
> In Maemo using hildon.StackableWindows as replacement for gtk.Dialog, 'some
> actions2' executes immediately after window creation. I can't modify
> controller code, I can only implement CustomDialog.

You can create a new GLib mainloop that runs while the window is open.
In the destroy signal handler, you can then call the quit() method on
the mainloop. Check out this example:

import gtk
import glib

def CustomDialog():
    l = glib.MainLoop()
    w = gtk.Window()
    w.connect('destroy', lambda w: l.quit())

def callback(*args):
    print 'before'
    print 'after'

w = gtk.Window()
w.set_title('main window')
b = gtk.Button('click me')
b.connect('clicked', callback)
w.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit)


Obviously, this also works with Hildon windows instead of GTK windows.

HTH :)
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