On 12/12/2011 08:19 PM, emme750 at gmail.com wrote:
You should also solve the problem of those applications that are ready to be promoted, 
but the maintainer is no longer "alive".
For example, after one month of the release, the promotion may become 
automatic, or we should enable Supertester to do this.

This have been talked about, but stopped at a question - do you really
want orphaned packages published in Extras ? If a problem surfaces or a
bug gets reported, there is nobody to take care of it, and removal can
get really tricky (who gets final say as how broken it has to be to ask
Niels to remove it, what if there are other packages depending on the
orphaned one, etc).

Best regards,
Attila Csipa

My opinion : if the orphaned package is in extras-testing for a long time (1 month or more) and has a lot of positive votes (12, 2x the 6 needed to promotion), then it is reasonable that it is stable and well tested. So it should be promoted to extras by some Maemo admin member.

        Best regards,

        Roberto Colistete Jr.

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