On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Michael Scherer <m...@zarb.org> wrote:

> People that have a preferred browser know how to install it,
> those that don't do not care enough.
> --
> Michael Scherer
True, I'm just lazy, I will always use FF and I would have liked to have it
setup at OS install. A choice from a list would have been fine for me, in
order to have it installed at the first login already.
I.e. to depend on the admin/person that performs the OS install, rather than
end-user, that could be the same.
There is no distro having all the apps in the world. Some generally
preferred (i.e. having enough users of that distro on their side) are always
in list. Like Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Konqueror and so. Not all the similar
apps made ever in the world.
A poll to see if there is anybody interested in some app to come with the
distro would be nice. This would make the difference from the good old MDV
I truly hope to be possible to propose and vote some apps to be included in
the distro.
I know it is hard for packagers and testers. I work in this field.

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