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On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 04:01 +0200, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
2010/10/7 Marc Paré<>:
I guess this information would have to come from someone from the core dev
group. Just so that we know for sure. So, is Mageia going to be principally
a KDE distro with offers during installation to install GNOME and other
desktops? Or is it going to be a desktop agnostic distro where the user
eventually picks the desktop sometime during the installation processs?

This may help with this thread on the talk of browsers.
Pls correct me if I'm wrong but I don't know any browser which is DE
dependent - well, there's konqueror, if you want to call this "I want
to be everything" a browser. But for real browsers, what does it
matter which DE is used?
While Mandriva officially supported both GNOME and KDE, I do remember
the last time I tried the GNOME version of Mandriva it was pretty much a
raw GNOME install.  It had no changes to the default options such as, a
web browser type of tool bar, and opening new folders in the same
window.  After trying to get to a video and finding I now had 5 windows
opened I assumed Mandriva's focus was most assuredly KDE.  I admit this
was a while back, so this could all have been addressed already, but it
scared me away from Mandriva-GNOME.
For a while Gnome 2 had some problems at first, just as did KDE 4, but they have been long solved. (The upgrade to Gnome 2 was a major rewrite.) Most of the things you mention are configuration problems. It might be a little difficult at first finding exactly where to adjust the specific settings, but that is to be expected.
   Also, while yes, most browsers are
DE independent, Firefox takes a bit of tweeking to work flawlessly
within the KDE DE.  Some distros have supplied a very vanilla install
and things such as application associations were rather buggy.  Yet, if
it's done right (and Mandriva always did it right) Firefox works great
on KDE as do all the other major browsers, IE excluded of course.
Firefox also works well with Gnome.

... Wait a minute ... who said that (ms) IE is a major browser ? ;)

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