On 11/15/2016 04:01 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Nov 15, 2016, at 11:12 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>> It was a good idea at the time, but IMO it will be way too much work
>> to keep up to date as is.  If we must provide a bundle, I think we
>> should use something like Simon's script (AIUI) to create a fully-
>> provisioned tree from git, probably in (a) venv(s), and make a source
>> tarball from that, venvs and all.  Something like a top-level setup.py
>> to install it all in $prefix.
>> Folks who don't want that (distros, seasoned admins) can probably
>> handle git.  Probably... ;-)  And following readthedocs for config.
> I think I missed a reference to Simon's script, but I'd be interested in that
> approach too.  At this point it sounds like we shouldn't fixate on a single
> deployment mechanism; we can provide some official containers, help distro
> packagers, and above all, have really good documentation.

It's not really a script. It's a django project configuration (Which
you'll need to run postorius/hyperkitty)
But it's built so that you can easily choose which components you want
to actually use.
However you may want to deploy Mailman, you'll have to use such a structure.
It's pretty much barebones, with the added complexity resulting from
you to choose to run only one of postorius or hyperkitty..
And I tried to write up everything important in the readme...

It doesn't actually install anything on its own, but instructs on the
different options available...
It also includes nginx and uwsgi config files since I'm using them for

It should work as is for the master branches, but my setups are a little
behind right now...
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