Hi All,

I have been working for the past two weeks on trying to create a
solution to easily deploy Mailman 3 in production. For those interested,
you can find the instructions about how to use my work at
http://asynchronous.in/docker-mailman/. I have tried to document the
process as much as possible.

This is still a work in progress, but I have a working deployment[1]
using these containers. I try to keep the deployment updated with the
github repo, but there is no automated deploy happening there so
sometimes it gets out of sync.

While this is aimed to finally become a production ready method to
deploy mailman 3, it is still not there. All I can say at this point is
that it works. I have tried my best to document everything and I keep
updating the documentation whenever I feel anything needs more clarity.
I would love some feedback to improve the process or documentation. You
can open issues on the github repo[2].

Currently, container images are built from the master branch of the
gitlab repos and are thus not branded as stable. I am waiting for 3.1
release to add a stable tag to the images.

[1]: https://mail.araj.me/
[2]: https://github.com/maxking/mailman

Abhilash Raj

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