On Jun 24, 2010, at 04:23 PM, Claudia Fleiner wrote:

>I´m Claudia Fleiner and I work together with Patrick Koetter and Florian
>Here I will present you our idea of a mega drop-down navigation panelfor the 
>new Mailman user interface:
>As the draft shows, a mega drop-down has the following characteristics:
>1. The big panel is divided into groups of navigation options
>2. Navigation choices is structured through layout, typography and icons
>3. Eliminate scrolling: everything is visible at once
>As shown in the draft, I put as navigation structure an example of the"admin
>navigation options".  This structure will be revised into the right form
>The icons I used in the draft are just placeholders. Nice Icons well adapted
>for the new navigation structure will be designed in the next steps.
>I hope you´ll like our idea of using drop-down navigations for the newuser
>interface.  Please don´t hesitate to send us your feedback.

Very nice.  I like it a lot.

While I think we could use some re-evaluations of the categories, presenting
them in this way works well I think.  I think we won't have such a deep or
wide hierarchy that displaying them all will be too confusing.  The thing I
really like about this is that I can figure out exactly what's going on in one
quick glance, and can probably find my way to the section I care about very
easily (certainly much more easy than today).

I wonder, would it be possible to put tooltips on those menu items?


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