On 7/14/2013 9:21 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Terri Oda writes:
  > I've started a new "things left to do before Mailman 3 releases" list
  > over at
  > http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/Mailman+3.0
  > Mostly this is so the next time someone asks me "So, when are you
  > releasing?" I can at least say "We don't have a date yet, but here's the
  > remaining todo list" but also because I think our wiki is rather
  > information-poor on the subject of the current status of mailman 3 suite.
  > I've populated the list with some todos leftover from PyCon, but I only
  > really pulled out the postorius ones.  Barry, Aurelian, maybe you could
  > populate the Mailman and Hyperkitty lists?

Good idea!

The only thing I can think of offhand for core is Exim support.
(Sendmail support, I suppose, but nobody I know uses Sendmail, and I

Sendmail support would be nice.

can't do it.  Exim on the other hand is on my personal list.)

We should contact the GSoC students and ask them for suggestions.  Of
course, whether they are actually TODOs is to be decided by project
leads.  Do we have an RFE page that random wiki users could be allowed
to add to?

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