I am a prospective Gsoc'15 applicant.
I found the Anonymous mailing list idea for project interesting.
While researching about the same I found this thread. I have a queries
regarding this :
 Can't we keep our encryption application away from the site admins by
creating an interface between sender and the switchboard ,what I'm trying
to imply here is, can't we process the encryption before the mail goes to
switchboard or server for further processing.

Let say,the email sent by the sender gets into the interface first where
it strips out the message header and encrypts the email address, so when
the email goes to the switchboard it is already modified, does not contain
original sender's address but has the details about where it is to be

Now when the receiver sends the reply then the email gets to the list
moderator and after that it passes through the same interface which now
decrypts it to the original address and forwards it after encrypting the
sender's address.
Stephen J. Turnbull writes:

> In general, what is missing from these "anonymization" proposals are
> use cases, user stories which display the reasons for anonymity and the
> definition of anonymity (for example, should repeated posts from a
> given subscriber have the same "From" field or not?)  For example, the
> following organizations want a "fully anonymized" list:
> 1.  An Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.
> 2.  A therapy group for battered wives led by a professional therapist
>     (whose identity is known to all, and who knows all realspace
>     identities -- but maybe can't match them to list identities).
> 3.  A corporate whistleblower/suggestion box.
> 4.  A terrorist cell.  (I'm not suggesting we should *care* about
>     serving these people well, and maybe we should try *not* to serve
>     them -- it's an intellectual exercise.)
> 5.  A tax evaders users' group.  (ditto)
> How do their needs differ?  How are they similar?  How well does your
> proposal serve their needs?  I'm not too serious about that specific
> list, individual students may or may not have experience and knowledge
> of those use cases.  But I would strongly prefer to work with a
> student who thinks about these issues *explicitly* and *concretely* in
> terms of use cases.  In particular, it may seem obvious that we can't
> protect the subscriber database against the site admin/root, but then
> we have to give up on use case 3 above.  Or do we?
> These are hard, *hard*, HARD questions.  Even Bruce Schneier (if you
> don't know who he is, find out!) might not get the answers at first
> try.  I don't ask you to get the hard ones at all!  But sometimes the
> answer is obvious from just asking the question (use case 3 vs root
> access), so you'd best ask some of those easy ones. :-)
> About this specific proposal:
> Kshitij Gupta writes:
>  > As I understand, we can do this in the following ways:
>  > 1. For each subscriber on the mailing list generate a random encryption
> and
>  > decryption key, which will be store in the database.
> If the keys never leave the database, why not use symmetric
> encryption?  Why do different subscribers need different keys?
> If they do leave the database, how are they distributed?  How is the
> distribution protected from the standard attacks (eg, man in the
> middle)?
>  > 2. Everytime user sends the mail we can encrypt the email to a hash
> which
>  > will then be used as the pseudo id for the user. To do this we can
> either
>  > use salt (as in time) to ensure a new email id is generated everytime
> I don't understand why you would ever want this, let alone why there
> is a use case common enough to be worth implementing in Mailman.
> That doesn't mean there isn't any, but please explain.
>  > or without salt which equivalently fixes a single id for the user.
>  > 3. From the email we can cleanup headers, converting the users timezone
> to
>  > a standard UTC timezone.
> You also probably need to handle Message-ID specially.
>  > 4. We can also hash the users original email id and append it as a
>  > signature to sign the mail, ensuring the authenticity of mail in a
>  > conversation.
> That's not how digital signatures are done, and only those with access
> to a descryption key can check authenticity.
>  > 5. For replies, the person replying can respond to the message, the
> email
>  > address will then be decrypted by matching against the list of all
>  > decryption keys and matching the digest of the mail id for additional
>  > security and forwarding it to the intended user.
> I'm not sure I understand the "additional security part."  In any
> case, if you have a "digest", why not use that as a unique key into
> the user database, so that the actual decryption becomes an
> authentication, and only needs to be done once?
>  > The above steps (in my understanding):
>  > 1. Will allow users to anonymously post to mailing lists.
> Except that the site admin knows where to find each user.  The site
> admin had better be the only entity with such access.
>  > 2. Ensure nobody can pretend to be someone else in a thread via the
>  > personal salt.
> But how about spoofing subscriptions?  Do we care about that?  What if
> a user happens to know the address of another user, and spoofs that?
>  > 3. Allow users to communicate in threads and reply to each other.
>  > 4. Use a constant space for users in the database, at the cost of
> matching
>  > against multiple decryption keys and then checking against the hashed
> email.
> Is constant space really an issue?
>  > Look forward to some feedback and hope to contribute to the mailman
>  > community.
>  >
>  > [1]- https://code.launchpad.net/apparmor-profile-tools , however the
> code
>  > was recently merged into the branch upstream at:
>  > https://code.launchpad.net/apparmor where development continues.
>  >
>  > Regards,
>  > Kshitij Gupta
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