On Apr 29, 2015, at 01:17 AM, shirish wrote:

>"We aim to release Mailman 3.0rc1 in late April, 2015." - wiki entry

>What would be nice is if there is some ETA as to when 3.0 will be released to
>the general public. Are there going to be another 2-3-4 RC releases before
>3.0 is ready ?

Actually, we just released 3.0 today. :)

>While this is good to know, is there a matrix of features somewhere which
>shows features of mailman 2.x vs mailman 3.0 . I am unable to find such a
>page in the wiki or perhaps I didn't search enough.

We don't really have this right now.  I think we'll start to fill out the bug
tracker with features or fixes that need to be forward ported to Mailman 3.
Some things you won't miss, like passwords in clear text, monthly password
reminders, having multiple accounts to manage subscriptions with different
email addresses, no built-in archive searching, restrictions on naming lists
in multiple domains, etc.

>Lastly, the documentation for 3.0.x seems to be a good way at
>http://gnu-mailman.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ would be nicer if there was a
>way to generate .pdf from the content therein.

You can do it from the source tree.  We build the docs with Sphinx and I
believe it has a PDF option.  We likely won't officially distribute PDFs.


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