On Sep 11, 2015, at 04:25 PM, Aurelien Bompard wrote:

>If you want to look at it :

I took a brief look, and I think you're heading in the right direction.  I'll
do a more details review once the mp is up[*].

>In the code and in the tests, I'm importing the new model object,
>HeaderMatch. Is it OK? Should I go through the corresponding interface
>instead? It looks like models are almost never imported from throughout the
>code (except in the model module), and I don't know if that's a best practice
>that should be followed here. If it is and you have details on the reasoning,
>I'm interested :-)

You're right that model classes should never be imported outside mailman/model
although there are a few violations of this rule.  It's less hard-and-fast for
tests since sometimes that's just the most convenient way to handle it.

In cases like this though, the typical pattern is to create a "set" class in
the model, and use it to create, delete, and lookup model objects in the set.
For list-centric collections, you then also create an ZCA adapter which
returns an object in the context of the mailing list.

It's always easier to understand examples, so here's a classic.

Mailing lists have an associated set of acceptable aliases which are kept in
the acceptableasliases table.  Individual alias entries are defined by the
IAcceptableAlias interface and implemented by the AcceptableAlias class.
There's also an IAcceptableAliasSet and AcceptableAliasSet pair (the latter
which does *not* derive from Model), and you'll find .add(), .clear(), and
.remove() methods, and a convenience .aliases attribute.

So, you never add AcceptableAlias objects directly, you always do it through
the IAcceptableAliasSet interface.  How do you get an instance of that without
importing from the model subpackage?  You *adapt* an existing mailing list
object to that interface:

    from mailman.interfaces.mailinglist import IAcceptableAliasSet
    alias_set = IAcceptableAliasSet(my_mlist)

The thread that ties it all together is this claus in
src/mailman/config/configure.zcml (the configuration file for the Zope
Component Architecture -- ZCA):


Thus when you call the interface, passing in the IMailingList instance, the
ZCA looks up a factory providing that interface, and calls the object, passing
in the argument.  You can see that AcceptableAliasSet takes a single argument,
the mailing list object which provides the context for that object's

I think header checks will probably work almost exactly the same way.


[*] Side note: NFL season starts here in the USA this weekend, and there's no
better way to salvage a Sunday afternoon normally wasted watching your crappy
ass home team disappoint for another year than doing some fun Mailman hacking
as you scream at the TV.  Just resist the urge to throw your laptop through
the TV!

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