On Nov 11, 2015, at 09:28 AM, Stefan Schlott wrote:

>I tried to do that ~10 years ago. I tried to implement an addition to
>the pipeline chain. The patch was further maintained by Joost van
>Baal-Ilic, who reverted the pipeline approach and made it a direct patch
>for Mailman. As far as I can tell, the project is resting (I haven't
>checked for a long time, though).
>imho the pipeline chain approach is the preferable approach. I remember
>I still had to do some minor patches at the Mailman core because some
>operations weren't doable otherwise (plus the configuration settings).
>Unfortunately, I haven't had time to have a closer look at Mailman 3, so
>I can't tell if things have become easier there.

An important difference between MM2 and MM3 is that in MM2, both moderation
and modification functions were intertwined in a single pipeline-of-handlers
mechanism.  This turned out to be to unwieldy so in MM3, we split moderation
into a pre-processing chain of links-and-rules, and modification into a
post-acceptance pipeline of handlers.  The latter looks a lot like MM2's
pipeline of handlers, except of course that it does not make moderation

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