On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 05:41:27AM -0800, Terri Oda wrote:
> The tweet linked talks about moving a discussion from a mailing list
> to a bug tracker.

An easy way to do that (while leaving the mailing list discussion intact
and not requiring that people have accounts on the bug tracking site
in order to participate) is to link to the archive of the discussion
-- specifically, to the message which begins the discussion thread.
This has the useful feature that as new followups arrive (and the
discussion continues) the link doesn't need to be updated.  (Well,
provided that everyone participating in the discussion uses a mail
client that correctly manipulates headers in replies.)

I've done quite a bit of this with internal debug/development lists
and have found that users catch onto it quickly.  (Oh, and one
small augmentation: sometimes it can be useful to have a process
in place wherein the person who commits the feature or bugfix
is responsible for saying so in the discussion thread.  This creates
a very useful history with a lot of context that can be highly
valuable to future archaeology efforts.)


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