I have a development server that only has Mailman core installed on it. I used 
a virtual environment to do the installation but I did not install Postorius or 
Hyperkitty as I am currently working on developing a custom u.i. for Mailman 3. 
My programmer said the following:

"I have a problem with mailman on development server ... I was trying to add 
member to a list using REST api, but to no avail.
After I tried all possible and impossible things, I finally looked at the logs.
Error I found in log file is:
IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: 
I guess mailman was looking for a template for welcome mail, and failed for 
some reason. I also guess this has something to do with locale or language 
I tried googling, but couldn't find anything"

The log that gave the error was /opt/mailman/mm/logs/mailman.log

My programmer tried it on another server that has both Postorius and Hyperkitty 
working and the api call worked, i.e. added the member to the list and sent out 
a welcome email. So what else do I need to install to be able to use the api to 
add members to a list using a non-postorius interface?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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