
There was recently a mail on the (closed) Mailman security list from
the CERT Coordination Center which had this strange CC field:

CC: '@mail.python.org, c...@mail.python.org, e...@mail.python.org,
        r...@mail.python.org, t...@mail.python.org, o...@mail.python.org,
        r...@mail.python.org, d...@mail.python.org, i...@mail.python.org,
        n...@mail.python.org, a...@mail.python.org, t...@mail.python.org,
        e...@mail.python.org, c...@mail.python.org, "", "."@mail.python.org,

I guess those are "conformant" email addresses, but they seem unlikely
to be mailboxes at python.org.  I'm not sure if these addresses were
added by the generating software at CERT, some MTA, or Mailman.

Has anybody seen anything like this before?

P.S. I hope I'm not spoiling this for any amateur sleuths who wanted
to figure it out for themselves, but yes, except for the apostrophe
and the empty address, those are the letters in "CERT Coordination
Center <c...@cert.org>", in order, with dupes eliminated.

P.P.S. It's about a conference, not a CVE.  Hakuna matata!


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