
I am testing a web page Mail-In form that emails the form contents,
including a user supplied email "From" field, to a Mailing List. The ML in
turn distributes the entry to the subscribed members.

In setting up the Mailing List, I'd like to restrict the allowed posters to
be only the "system" - which ends up, SFAICT, being either
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  In other words, I'd like to
make the ML posing privileges available ONLY to the web page/ OS/ Mailto
Script - whatever is the correct term here - that originates the ML bound

The problem I am running into is that the above values end up in the
 "Sender" variable of the message header, here is an excerpt from the
header:  [ Sender: Nobody [EMAIL PROTECTED] ], but Mailman 2.01 only wants
to check the "From" variable to perform the filtering.

Since the "From" is user supplied via the form, every time, and therefore
impossible to predict, I can only get the message delivered if the ML is
left open for anyone to post. If I tell Mailman to accept from either
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or both, he refuses to process
the message.

So the question is: is there a reasonable workaround? Can I get Mailman to
approve messages based on the "Sender" variable instead of the "From"

Many Thanks!

Michael Stoic

Honda SuperHawk on the Web

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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