On Fri, 15 Jun 2001 12:01:15 -0700 
Chuq Von Rospach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday, June 15, 2001, at 11:37 AM, J C Lawrence wrote:

>> Mailman has a large penetration in small under-weight
>> systems/sites.  Its the whole -t-does-everything deal which is
>> particularly attractive to novice/small sites.  I'd dislike
>> seeing that quality lost.

> but will what we are proposing cause problems? It's only an issue
> if we 'put them over the edge', and I don't at all think we should
> ASSUME we will. I'm willing to bet most sites will continue to
> work just fine. It's osmething that might be useful to survey
> before making assumptions and decisions.

Fair dinkum.  A potential issue is that it is MTA dependent in
addition to the normal physical hardware and OS configuration issues
(filesystem type, partitition type, mount options, other spindle
activity etc).  To date Mailman is quite MTA agnostic.

J C Lawrence                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---------(*)                          http://www.kanga.nu/~claw/
The pressure to survive and rhetoric may make strange bedfellows

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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