On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 12:29:22PM -0700, Chuq Von Rospach wrote:
> On Friday, June 15, 2001, at 12:24 PM, J C Lawrence wrote:
> >> ... it has to be in every message.
> >
> > Really?
> If it's not in the message the user is looking at when they make the 
> decision to unsubscribe, it's not very useful, any more than the 
> "monthly posting with unsubscribe information in it" is once the user 
> deletes it. Which he will, probably before reading it.m
> Again, you're making it easier for the server by forcing the user to do 
> something illogical (to them). How do you explain to the user that unsub 
> details only show up every 10th message, and why should he care? how 
> does this improve the user experience?

When running majordomo lists, I always had the unsubscribe information
right in the message footer.  Would it be so hard to do that with the
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe> ?

To make it more visible, we could even insert a "mini-header" at the
beginning of the body, containing the List-Help: and
List-Unsubscribe: lines.

(On the other hand, I *STILL* got people who apparently couldn't be
bothered to read the message footer when they decided they wanted to
unsubscribe, and who apparently couldn't be bothered to follow the
unsibscribe instructions even when it was pointed out to them that they
were right there in every message.  You can only make it just so easy.)

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