We downloaded and compiled mailman-2.0.8 on solaris 2.7 .
The installation was done on mail server running solaris2.7.
We tried to configure our web server (also solaris 2.7) to get the gui
interface for mailman , using nfs mount disk from mail server onto web
We have the cgi-gid on our web server different from gid of the daemon
that runs mail on mail server.
So , we recompiled all the soft with

--with-cgi-gid=88891 and --with-mail-gid=88891.
Everything looked OK and we got giu interface of the first mailing list.

But when we try to post a message to the mailing lits we get the
following error:

.....The following address had permanent fatal errors ....
"|/export/mailman/mail/wrapper post wicclist

.....Transcript of session follows ...

Failure to exec script   WANTED gid 88891 GOT gid 1.(reconfigure to take
554 5.3.0 "|/export/mailman/mail/wrapper post wicclist
... unknown mailer error 2.

How can we compile mailman to use wrapper in both gid's.

Thank you

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