
I am Cc-ing this reply to the list.
You can always change your preferred charset by adding following
lines in your mm_cfg.py.

LC_DESCRIPTIONS['en'] = (_('English (USA)'), 'iso-8859-1')

This is useful if your list's main language is English but
majority of users are from Latin-1 countries. Plain text
digest will go out with latin characters un-replaced, I believe.


I just read your reply to a question on the mail-users list concerning the extra headers.
What updates/patches are available in the CVS directory ? I quickly had a look but was unable to find much and even less that I understood.
But ok, I will also upgrade to the latest CVS on a test machine first.

Since your name pops up several times on the list I am contacting you directly for a question of mine that remained unanswered.
How did you tackle the character-encoding problem of "us-ascii" for digests ?
Where do I have to make changes ?

For your information I run MM2.1 + qmail + demime. I know mails using "iso-8859-1" pass demime with flying colours, but once they end up in a digest (which is us-ascii :-( ) all non-us-ascii characters get "transformed".

kind regards,

Kenneth Bruyninckx.

Tokio Kikuchi, tkikuchi@ is.kochi-u.ac.jp

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