Hi there,

I'd like to integrate mailman with another application running on the 
same server. It keeps track of some courses and their members.

What I'd like to to is to add a mailing list with the same name as the 
course every time one of the admins creates a new course in the 
password protected admin interface. Whenever someone subscribes to 
this course, s/he should be added automatically to the list of 
subscribers on the corresponding list. When s/he is cancelled from the 
course, s/he should be removed.

Is there a way to call the 'create' wrapper with parameters? There 
should be no user interaction necessary, the users shouldn't even 
notice that mailman is there and being used. Since creating a course is 
only possible in the password protected area, I don't want to ask them 
for a mailman admin password. I also can't use suEXEC.

Thanks for you help,

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