On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 22:26, Warren Hoffman wrote:
> We've discovered quite a few folks have email clients that don't line wrap 
> messages when sending - and don't even have that feature. Two questions:
> 1. Is there any way we can wrap messages at 60 or some other number on the 
> way into the (Pipermail) archives so visitors to the archives don't have to 
> scroll horizontally for many screens?

Check the archives of this list for a patch that modifies the archiver
code so that instead of using the <pre> tag it uses the <p> tag (which
wraps the text according to your browsers settings).

It would also have to put in a <br> tag at each end of line.

> 2. Is there any way we could modify the existing archives? Is there a 
> script that might modify mbox files.

The Mbox format is a text file.  You can edit/modify it like any text
file (just back it up first!).

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