On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 11:13 AM, Abigail Marshall wrote:

Hello Richard,

Monday, July 21, 2003, 2:35:21 AM, you wrote:

RB> Not so with MM 2.1.2. Turning on full personalization on the non-digest
RB> options web admin GUI page for a list does the trick. The list then
RB> sends individual copies of posts to each subscriber with their email
RB> addresses in the To: header

I have 2.1.2 installed and don't see this full
personalization option anywhere.  The "non digest" options
page gives me the following three choices:

Can subscribers choose to receive mail immediately, rather than in batched digests?
(Edit nondigestable) [No/Yes]

Header added to mail sent to regular list members
(Details for msg_header)

Footer added to mail sent to regular list members
(Details for msg_footer

Are there other settings that could be influencing whether this option is available?

You may need to change the setting of MM's OWNERS_CAN_ENABLE_PERSONALIZATION configuration variable in mm_cfg.py for the personalize option to show up on the web admin GUI. Adding the following should do it:


Be aware that there is a performance hit with personalized mail which is why it isn't enabled by default.

If you are prepared to take the hit then you might as well turn on VERPing for these messages (it effectively comes with no additioanl performance impact with personalized delivery) and get the benefit of more precise bounce handling. Add this to mm_cfg.py:



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