This may be applicable: index.php?func=detail&aid=747470&group_id=103&atid=300103

On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 08:53 pm, Brian Burdette wrote:

I do not know what version of Python you have installed. Python 2.2.3 would be good. I've not seen final confirmation about using Python 2.3 with MM 2.1.2

I'm running Python 2.3, MM 2.1.2, RH 8.3 3.2-7

I'm having issues with a few lists.

most lists work properly.

one list is generating the error below, and shunting ALL email.
deletion and re-creation of the list will cause it to work again, for a while. It's just started this again.

A hunt thru the tracker doesn't turn up anything about iterable arguements.

Do I need to downgrade python to 2.2.3 to make this work?



Aug 13 15:02:13 2003 (21139) SHUNTING: 1060804921.628845+2ecaa45b294ccc7106476c70caedaec27b32f635
Aug 13 15:02:14 2003 (21139) Uncaught runner exception: iterable argument required
Aug 13 15:02:14 2003 (21139) Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 105, in _oneloop
self._onefile(msg, msgdata)
File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 155, in _onefile
keepqueued = self._dispose(mlist, msg, msgdata)
File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 130, in _dispose
more = self._dopipeline(mlist, msg, msgdata, pipeline)
File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 153, in _dopipeline
sys.modules[modname].process(mlist, msg, msgdata)
File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 89, in process
send_digests(mlist, mboxfp)
File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 130, in send_digests
send_i18n_digests(mlist, mboxfp)
File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 303, in send_i18n_digests
msg = scrubber(mlist, msg)
File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 257, in process
url = save_attachment(mlist, part, dir)
File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 349, in save_attachment
ext = guess_extension(ctype, fnext)
File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 80, in guess_extension
if ext in all:
TypeError: iterable argument required

Aug 13 15:02:14 2003 (21139) SHUNTING: 1060804932.8378969+243bf64bd6fd2e2d56992162d98ba518c7ff22e2

Richard Barrett                     

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