OK, so I am responding to my own message. I just thought of something.

For 1, you could set the "emergency moderation" list setting on the General page. This would make sure no one could post ever, no matter what their settings. It would make you moderate your own messages, though.

John DeCarlo wrote:


I have no experience with CPanel, so I can't answer whether this is something you can do yourself, or have to get a sysadmin to do for you.

Swytch wrote:

1. Is there a way to set everyones mod bit permanatly. I don't want anyone but me

> to ever post to the list. Its strictly a one way list.

I don't think so. It is not built in, so would require some tricky patches.

2. Is there a way to remove the "to post to this list" from the welcome email.

You can customize a lot of these messages, but it may not be possible via CPanel.

The file <mailman-dir>/templates/en/subscribeack.txt has the text you want to change.

To change it just for your list, it has to be copied to <mailman-dir>/lists/<listname>/en and then edited the way you want it to read.


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