I've just installed mailman and I'm not sure where "The web page for users of your 
mailing list" (the link in the email received when creating a new list) is in 
relationship to the $prefix directory. 
Also, do I have to create any virtuals for admin web pages or archives or any others? 
I've read and reread the install doc several times and haven't seen anything 
indicating that I need to. 
I have made a few virtuals just to try to narrow it down and check them out from a web 
page. One to the $prefix/templates, $prefix/lists, and the $prefix/public directory 
(which has soft links pointing towards the lists in the private directory). In the 
lists that are in the private directory, each has a config.pck, config.pck.last, or 
request.db. I'm thinking maybe I'm not browsing the correct directory.
Please shed some light.
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