Looks like the host is keeping mailman on a seperate server.  Is there
any way to still do it, or am I stuck?

What I'm doing right now is generating an email in PHP using the
subscribers address for the from line, so that the confirmation goes to
them.  Is there any way I can do this using some kind of admin command
via email instead, so they don't get the confirmation or anything saying
they're already subscribed if that happens to be the case?

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Justin Alcorn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Sean Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 12:44 PM
> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Access subscription list via PHP?
> Sean Robertson said:
> > I have a PHP form set up that I'd like to be able to use to
> > people
> > to the mailing list.  The problem is tha they might already be
> up
> > to
> > the list, so just sending an email to the listserve is not a very
> clean
> > solution.  Is there any way to access the memberlist via PHP and
> out
> > if
> > someone has already signed up or not so it doesn't try to do it
> if
> > they already have?
> >
> >
> call list_members and capture the output.
> $members = `/usr/local/mailman/bin/list_members mylist`;
> // find the member...
> -- 
> The universe is ruled by letting things take their course. It cannot
> ruled by interfering. -- Chinese proverb
> JaBbA's hut: http://jalcorn.net

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