--On Wednesday, June 2, 2004 6:36 am +0900 Tokio Kikuchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


   BEFORE YOU UPGRADE." - but that isn't described above. The closest I
could see was a recommendation to switch off my MTA. I want to avoid
that if the process is going to take more than a minute, so I'm hoping I
can just switch off mailmanctl, but I'm using EXIM, and I think it will
continue to queue messages...with the wrong queue format?

SMTP is so designed that one MTA can stop for a day or more ;-)

True, but my users aren't designed to allow that. I have 15,000 people that rely on that MTA to do their work all day. If I switch off the MTA for five minutes, some will complain.

The upgrade notes say that the upgrade "could take a long time if you have a lot of files in your qfiles subdirectories", but doesn't quantify that at all. What is a long time? What constitutes a lot of files? An example would be helpful, but actually I don't have a lot of messages at the moment.

the exim config calls "/local/mailman/mail/mailman post" with each
message addressed to a mailman list. Do I need to stop this happening
during the upgrade? If so, then I need to take down the mailer (or make
it temporarily reject or hold onto the messages while I do the upgrade).

for 2.1.3 -> 2.1.5 upgrade, you can safely stop qrunners if you don't like to stop MTA.

So, the fact that messages will be queued in the old format during the upgrade doesn't matter? Or, are they not queued in the old format?

Actually, upgrading is much easier than first time installation
because you don't have to re-setup mailman account, web and
MTA interfaces. I sometime forget to stop MTA/Web without problem!

-- Ian Eiloart Servers Team Sussex University ITS

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