At 10:41 AM +0100 2004/06/02, Ian A B Eiloart wrote:

        If you need further help, Carl Hutzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is the guy to
 talk to.

Is he the guy responsible for the fact that AOL bounce spam addressed to unknown recipients, rather than rejecting it. Cos that really gets on my nerves.

Carl is the guy in charge of the AOL Anti-Spam Task Force (or whatever they're calling it these days). I only worked at AOL for a couple of years, and left long before Carl came along, but I'm told that he's a nice guy and is honestly doing everything he can to help.

The person responsible for the AOL mail system accepting messages for non-existant recipients and then bouncing those messages would be someone else. I know who, but I won't mention any names.

Given what I know of the AOL mail system design, I don't think this is ever going to change, but if enough people complain and get them listed in various blacklists for general stupidity and ignorance of the way e-mail is supposed to work (e.g.,, who knows?

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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