More on this...

When mailman is launched from procmail, the gid of the process is apparently assigned to the mailman user's primary group (from the passwd file). I recompiled mailman with groupname AND mail-gid both set to "mail", but still got the error ... until I edited passwd to change the user's primary group, and now it works.

Does anyone see any problems with this? Basically, everywhere that I can change what the group is, I've changed it to "mail."


At 05:17 PM 6/2/2004, Andy Rowan wrote:
One solution would seem to be to configure using "--with-groupname" and "--with-mail-gid" both set to "mail," which is the group that sendmail wants to use to run the wrapper. Then presumably mailman will have that gid when procmail launches it as well. Is there a reason that this is a bad idea?

The other solution would seem to be to get in and change sendmail so that it uses the mailman group instead, but then I don't know what other effects that will have.

So, is it ok to have those both be "mail." Or is there some other way?

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